1. Adding ' full ' as a suffix with some word
Beauty + full = Beautiful
Note: We delete one 'l' from the 'full'
some more examples are given below:
Peace + full = Peaceful
hand + full = handful
Spelling Rule 2. http://www.flickr.com/photos/48280452@N04/6216385453/in/set-72157627743332417/
When we write any word containing ' ei ' or ' ie ' so sometimes we get confused. To avoid this confusion remember the simple rule: if the word also contains ' c ' then we make it an alphabetic order.
e.g. r e c e i v e, deceive, perceive, conceive ' ei ' is preceded by ' c '.
in other words
e.g. chief , believe, fierce , exception seize
Spelling Rule 3.
When we have to use 'es' in a verb containing 'y' preceded by a consonant then we convert the 'y' into 'i' and add 'es' with this.
e.g. Fly + es = flies
Fry + es = fries
Imply + es = implies
6. If there appear 'l' at the end of a verb, we double the 'l' while using 'ed' with it to make it past or past participle
1. label = label + l + ed = labelled
2. cancel = cancel + l + ed = cancelled
spelling rule
to add 'ing' with the verb
CVC rule: C: Consonant, V: Vowel
If there appeares any vowel between two consonant in some verb and we want to add 'ing' to this verb then the last consonant of the verb would be doubled.
r u n : r-consonant, u-vowel, n-consonant
run + ing = run + n+ ing = running ( we have added one more last consonant 'n' )
put + ing = putting
sit + ing = sitting